BAI: Notes and slides

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gabriel kreiman

Introduction to biological and artificial intelligence

Are you ready to create suprahuman intelligence? Do you want to understand how intelligent computations emerge from the neuronal orchestra in the brain? How can we leverage millions of years of evolution to transform engineering systems that perform intelligent computations? How concerned should we be about the singularity? How is information represented and transformed in biological circuits? How can machines learn?


Suggested reading


richard born

Biological and artificial vision

We understand the biological and computational underpinnings of our prodigious ability to see better than any other aspect of our brain’s function. Beginning with the seminal work of Hubel and Wiesel, we have discovered many of the biological principles that operate in the primate visual system. And computational models inspired by these principles have enjoyed tremendous success in object recognition and other visual capacities, sometimes outperforming humans. Yet these models also fail in spectacular and occasionally embarrassing ways, leading to the overwhelming question: What are they missing? We will explore the history of biological and machine vision, learn how they productively interact in present-day vision science and discuss whether Mother Nature might still have a few tricks up her sleeve that could spur the development of improved machine vision systems in the future.


Suggested reading


haim sompolinsky

The geometry of concept learning

This class will present a theory of manifold separation in high-dimensional spaces, few-shot learning in visual representations, and aspects of visual reasoning.


Suggested reading


thomas serre

State of the art in computer vision

Abstract coming soon


Suggested reading


Bill lotter

Real-world impact of AI and computer vision


Suggested reading


tomer ullman

The development of intuitive physics and intuitive psychology

The central metaphor of cognitive science is that of the mind as a computer, but what sort of program is the mind running, and how does it construct this program? From an evolutionary perspective it would make sense to build in certain primitives and functions to allow the mind to get an ‘early start’ on understanding the world. These primitives would most helpfully be those that are generalizable across many scenarios, such as an understanding of people and things, agents and objects, psychology and physics. And indeed, we can see early evidence for an understanding of physics and psychology even in young children. I will briefly go over the evidence for an early understanding of physics and psychology, what representations could account for that understanding, and how they may develop over time into adult representations.


Suggested reading


isaac kohane

AI for good



Suggested reading


spring break

No classes today!

Enjoy the spring


cass sunstein

Does AI have the right to free sppech?

Abstract coming soon


Suggested reading


kanaka rajan

Unlocking brain dynamics: the power of recurrent neural networks in neuroscience

Dr. Rajan will discuss the basic design elements, or “building blocks,” of neural network models, highlighting the role of recurrent connections, linear and non-linear activity, and the types of time-varying activity (“dynamics”) produced by RNNs, including input-driven versus spontaneous dynamics. The main goal of this lecture is to explore both the tractability and computational power of RNN models, to appreciate why they have become a crucial part of the neuroscientific arsenal, and to understand the insights that can be gained by “training RNNs to do something” in a manner consistent with experimental data from the biological brain. We will also review how RNNs have been applied in neuroscience to leverage existing experimental data, infer mechanisms inaccessible from measurements alone, and make predictions that guide experimental design.


Suggested reading


jan drugowitsch

The bayesian brain: ideal observer methods for perceptual decisions

The aim of both biological and artificial intelligence is to find efficient solutions to hard problems. Ideal observer models use this parallel to formulate theories of how our nervous system achieves certain tasks based on how they have been approached by artificial intelligence research. A basic tenant of ideal observer models is that the world we inhabit is noisy and ambiguous. The ideal way to deal with the arising uncertainty is by Bayesian decision theory. I will introduce Bayesian decision theory and how it has been used to inquire about the cognitive and neural processes that underlie humans and animal behavior. Specific focus will be put on the study of perceptual decisions and the relation between the speed and accuracy of such decisions.


Suggested reading


andrei barbu

Language in brains and machines



Suggested reading


Cengiz Pehlevan

Why is it that biological and artificial neural networks do not overfit? 



gabriel kreiman

Ask-me-anything session and participative debate about the future of AI




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Student presentations

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