Tag: c. elegans

  • Chenguang Li on connecting artificial and biological neural networks

    06/14/2024 Discovering neural policies to drive behavior by integrating deep reinforcement learning agents with biological neural networks Chenguang Li’s work on created a hybrid between biological and artificial neural networks was publishedi n Nature Machine Intelligence. Read more

  • MIT – Hebrew University joint workshop on Artificial Intelligence

    05/29/2024 Prof. Kreiman gives a lecture about connecting biological and artificial neural networks In this lecture, Prof. Kreiman introduces work done in collaboration with the Ramanathan lab combining reinforcement learning, optogenetics and behavior in the C. elegans worm to discover neural policies that drive behavior. Read more

  • Computational control of a living brain

    03/01/2024 Harvard Magazine In this article, Jonathan Shaw describes the innovative work of graduate student Chenguang Li using state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence algorithms to exert control of a C. elegans worm’s brain. See Chenguang’s publication here. Read more