Tag: AI
Will Xiao on visual cortex activity during free viewing
04/29/2024 Feature-selective responses in macaque visual cortex follow eye movements during natural vision How do visual cortex neurons respond during free viewing conditions? Will Xiao’s tour-de-force work answering this question was published in Nature Neuroscience. Read more
Congratulations to Alliyha Steele!
03/202/204 Alliyha Steele received the Kranium fellowship This is the first year of the Kranium fellowships awarded to Harvard undergraduate students pursuing research in Artificial Intelligence awarded by the new Kempner Institute. Alliyha’s research project involves comparing the representation of language signals in large language models and the human brain. Read more
Computational control of a living brain
03/01/2024 Harvard Magazine In this article, Jonathan Shaw describes the innovative work of graduate student Chenguang Li using state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence algorithms to exert control of a C. elegans worm’s brain. See Chenguang’s publication here. Read more
When and how CNNs generalize
02/22/2022 When and how CNNs generalize to out-of-distribution category-viewpoint combinations Spandan Madan and Xavier Boix discuss their latest research recently published in Nature Machine Intelligence. Reach out to us now to explore your unique training requirements and uncover our potential to assist you. Read more
AAAI Spring Symposium Series: Science of Intelligence
March 27-29, 2017 Computational principles of natural and artificial intelligence Organized by: Center for Brains, Minds and Machines Location: Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA Read more
MIT OpenCourseWare: Brains, Minds and Machines
december 1, 2015 Brains, Minds and Machines Course Instructors: Prof. Tomaso Poggio and Prof. Gabriel Kreiman Department: Brain and Cognitive Sciences This course explores the problem of intelligence — its nature, how it is produced by the brain, and how it could be replicated in machines — using an approach integrating cognitive science, neuroscience, computer… Read more