Our news
Congratulations to Bastien LeLan!
07/25/2024 Robust convolutional neural networks as models of primate vision Congratulations to Bastien LeLan on successfully defending his thesis!
Harvard. The interneuron, July 2024
july 2, 2024 AI agents help worms find food by integrating with their nervous system Harvard’s The Interneuron highlights the work of Chenguang Li describing a hybrid between biological and artificial neural networks. Li and colleagues showed how to enhance behavior in the C. elegans worm by elegantly combining optogenetics, computer vision, and reinforcement learning.…
AI agents help worms find food by integrating with their nervous systems
06/14/2024 Harvard University MCB News This news article describes the pioneering work of Chenguang Li using reinforcement learning to discover neural policies in the C. elegans worm by integrating biological and artificial neural networks. See Chenguang’s research here.
Chenguang Li on connecting artificial and biological neural networks
06/14/2024 Discovering neural policies to drive behavior by integrating deep reinforcement learning agents with biological neural networks Chenguang Li’s work on created a hybrid between biological and artificial neural networks was publishedi n Nature Machine Intelligence.
Congratulations to Morgan Talbot!
06/14/2024 Morgan Talbot received the MIT IMES award. Morgan is combining machine learning algorithms, psychophysics and computer vision models to build intelligent systems to train MD students.
Kempner Institute Retreat 2024
may 29, 2024 Spring into science First retreat of the Kempner Institute for the study of natural and artificial intelligence at Harvard.
MIT – Hebrew University joint workshop on Artificial Intelligence
05/29/2024 Prof. Kreiman gives a lecture about connecting biological and artificial neural networks In this lecture, Prof. Kreiman introduces work done in collaboration with the Ramanathan lab combining reinforcement learning, optogenetics and behavior in the C. elegans worm to discover neural policies that drive behavior.
The limits of computer vision
05/15/2024 Harvard Medicine News Work from the Kreiman laboratory about the successes and limitations of computer vision algorithms was featured in this article by Molly McDonough.
Current models of visual cortex fail to generalize
05/01/2024 Spandan Madan gives a talk at the Center for Brain Science Neurolunch Spandan scrutinizes the ability of models of visual cortex to explain neuronal responses and finds a poor ability to extrapolate to novel stimuli, forcing us to revisit whether such models capture the critical properties of vision.