Our news

  • Congratulations to Spandan Madan on his NeuroAI 2024 work!

    10/10/2024 Improving out-of-distribution generalization by mimicking the human visual diet Spandan’s paper was accepted at NeuroAI @ NeurIPS 2024 In this work Spandan shows that a careful account of the visual input statistics that humans encounter during learning can help improve machine learning algorithms.


  • Congratulations to Deni Bechard on this thesis!

    10/10/204 The pen and the processor: A Turing-like test to gauge GPT-generated poetry Congratulations to Deni Bechard on successfuly completing his Master’s thesis!


  • Jie Zheng presents her work in a nanosymposium at SFN

    october 5, 2024 Prefrontal and medial temporal neurons encode ordinal information of event seuences in humans Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Nanosymposium NANO06.11. 3:30PM – 3:45PM


  • Kreiman lab posters at SFN 2024

    october 5 — OCTOBER 9, 2024 Presentations by the Kreiman lab at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2024 Oct 5 2024. 3:30-3:45 Prefrontal and Medial Temporal Neurons Encode Ordinal Information of Event Sequences in Humans. Presented by Jie Zheng. Oct 7 2024, 8:00-13:00 Syntactic-feature encoding of language in the human brain. Presented by Pranav…


  • Congratulations to Spandan Madan!

    september 26, 2024 Out-of-distribution generalization in biological and artificial intelligence Congratulations to Spandan Madan on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis!


  • Prof. Kreiman participates in Mi Ultima Neurona

    september 25, 2024 Mi Ultima Neurona Podcast An excellent podcast in Spanish for Neuroscience outreach Led by Jessica Chomik-Morales


  • Spandan Madan is named 2025 Siebel Scholar

    09/24/2024 Congratulations Spandan! The Siebel Scholars Foundation announces the class of 2025. Spandan was selected as a scholar in Computer Science. World’s Brightest Business, Computer Science and Bioengineering Students Join Distinguished Leaders, Growing Scholars Community. You can read more about Spandan’s research here.


  • Congratulations to Jonah Brenner!

    09/24/2024 Kempner Institute KURE fellow Jonah Brenner was selected as a Kempner Undergraduate Research Experience (KURE) fellow to pursue his research work in our lab.


  • Prof. Kreiman gives a lecture at UC Berkeley

    09/18/2024 Successes and challenges in computational models of vision We now have powerful computer vision algorithms that can segment scenes, label objects, and recognize actions. It is tempting to use these algorithms as models of visual processing in biological brains. I will provide an overview of some of the successes in using neural network models to partially describe visual behavior and predict neuronal responses in the visual system of monkeys and humans, focusing on the ventral stream associated with object recognition.…


  • Harvard MedSci302QC 2024

    starts september 9, 2024 Responsible Conduct of Science The 2024 Fall RCoS course will run for 10 weeks from the week of September 9, 2024 through the week of November 11, 2024. There are 10 sessions: 6 in-person classes with the faculty member whose section you enroll in, and 4 Zoom live lectures. Each class…