Category: News

  • AI agents help worms find food by integrating with their nervous systems

    06/14/2024 Harvard University MCB News This news article describes the pioneering work of Chenguang Li using reinforcement learning to discover neural policies in the C. elegans worm by integrating biological and artificial neural networks. See Chenguang’s research here. Read more

  • The limits of computer vision

    05/15/2024 Harvard Medicine News Work from the Kreiman laboratory about the successes and limitations of computer vision algorithms was featured in this article by Molly McDonough. Read more

  •  A Clue Into How We See a Stable World Despite Moving Eyes

    04/29/2024 Harvard Medicine News and Research We move our eyes about three times per second, yet the world seems perfectly stable. Will Xiao’s tour-de-force investigations provide the most extensive computational and neurophysiological description of visual cortical responses during free viewing. See Xiao’s publication here. Read more

  • Computational control of a living brain

    03/01/2024 Harvard Magazine In this article, Jonathan Shaw describes the innovative work of graduate student Chenguang Li using state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence algorithms to exert control of a C. elegans worm’s brain. See Chenguang’s publication here. Read more

  • Are we wired to be outside?

    nov 11, 2020 A neuroscientist searches for the roots of feeling innately connected to nature By Grigori Guitchounts Read more